2021 Grand Prize Winner Announced
Published January 4, 2021
After a few moments of shock and disbelief, a lucky Mansfield woman welcomed the new year today with an extra $49,999.99 in her Neighborhood Credit Union Prize Savings Account, after her name was drawn as the 2021 Grand Prize Winner.
Janice Horton shook her head as Neighborhood Credit Union Senior Vice President Jessie Swendig surprised her with an oversized “check” made out in her name, as Horton walked into the credit union’s Duncanville location. Horton had lived nearby until recently and still likes to see familiar faces.
“I have never won anything in my life,” said Horton, blinking back tears. “I’m speechless, I really am. I know you give away gifts to members, but I never dreamed it could be something like this!”
Neighborhood Credit Union created the Prize Savings Account 15 years ago to help reverse what was the lowest savings rate in U.S. history. The idea was to encourage more people to save money by offering prizes and rewards throughout the year, so members could experience immediate and tangible rewards to help incentivize good savings habits that can reap long-term. The weekly giveaways culminate with the grand prize drawing every New Year’s Day.
Swendig noted Horton’s strong and steady savings habits since she joined the credit union almost exactly 30 years ago, something which improved her chances to win the grand prize since each credit union member gets one chance for every $25 in their Prize Savings account.
“You have to pay yourself,” said Horton, who said that saving has been a lifelong habit instilled by her father. “Even if it’s just a small amount, put some back and always pay yourself first.”
Horton said that before she retired, she was saving almost half of her earnings, with an eye on her retirement years. That planning and saving enabled her to retire earlier than expected during the pandemic in order to help her elderly parents during their final months.
When asked how she might spend the prize, Horton said she and her husband, who passed away two years ago, had planned to travel to Europe, so she may still do that in his honor once COVID-19 subsides. Or perhaps she’ll buy that long-awaited dream car. Or perhaps help her grandson who is getting married in May.
“Five minutes ago, I didn’t have any plans, but thanks to this unexpected money, now I do,” Horton exclaimed. “I am truly blessed.”
How the Prize Savings Account Works
Neighborhood Credit Union members receive one drawing entry for every $25 monthly average balance in their Prize Savings Account. The greater the savings, the more chances a member has of winning. Members are eligible for weekly drawings, culminating with the annual grand prize, drawn each January 1 based on the average monthly balance in the savings account at close of business December 31.
About Neighborhood Credit Union
The oldest credit union in Dallas (chartered April 18, 1930), Neighborhood Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial organization serving anyone who lives, works or worships in the State of Texas. With nearly 60,000 members, $1 billion in assets and locations across North Texas, Neighborhood Credit Union has been a loyal and trusted partner for over 91 years and continues to welcome new members daily. For more information, call (214) 748-9393 or visit our homepage.

Jessie Swendig, Neighborhood CU senior vice president of marketing, presenting $49,999.99 to Janice H., the 2021 Grand Prize Winner.
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